Monday, January 19, 2015

Donahue Construction Management LLC is a Christin  Base Company that is always looking to spred the good news of Jesus Christ. We pass out new bibles to our employs and to any person that we come in contact with. By doing so our company has help save so many men and women.
By providing people with work, and other resources it helps that person feel useful... That they do meen something to some one... That when times are hard lean on God and ask for more of Him and less of you and your days and nights will be even better... (Matt 6:33) But seek ye first the kingdom of GOD, and all these things shall be added unto you.

Thank you from,
Donahue Construction Management LLC

 For my self i have close to 30 years of experience in the construction field... My specialty is heavy utilities & heavy road work... I also have quite a bit of experience with government contracts, ie, Sandia National Labs, Kertland Air force Base,
White Sands Missal Range, Ha lumen Air force Base, Los Alamo's National Labs, US Forestry and the BIA...
My business goals are to have my company Donahue Construction Management Llc. at the top of the list on all the government contractors list in very good standings...
To build a company that  is a leader in the construction industry and a asset to the community...

Specialties: As of January 2010 Donahue Construction Management Llc...
Has diversified it self by also doing remodels,add on, plus custom builds in the real estate and commercial  industry...
Our services include:

    Demolition – structures, roads, buildings, etc.

    žExcavation – dams, retaining ponds, mass grading, landfills

    žSite Development – clearing and grubbing, curb and gutter, sub-grade prep, asphalt prep, surveying

    žSubdivisions/Residential Lots – house pads, parks, retention ponds

    žRoad Construction – highway, new driveways, subdivision roads, runways

    žParking Lots

    Commercial Building Sites – building pads, water treatment centers, airport runways

    Commercial Building – Steel erection, metal building erection, site concrete, site paving, on        site         utilities.

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